How can we forget the ones who are kept a secret till the special day!
I was asked to make a diaper cake for someone's expecting in the near future but doesn't know the sex. I asked her the question..."is there a theme of the infants room?" she stated baby animals, such as duck, giraffes... I focused in on "DUCKS"
I must have hit every store that carries baby/infant clothing in Kelowna (ah doesn't have much) However, in my Car ralley scavenger hunt I didn't do so shabby.
I used my artistic abilities to my advantage... made stencil of ducks one holding a bottle, one dragging a teddy bear, one dragging a blanky, and one sucking on a pacifier. As well a stencil "QUACK" cut each of these out of foamie and attached them to the base of the cake.
I had several diapers rolled up previously *whew* therefore it was time to build. I cut out several card board circles, wrapped them in baby theme wrapping paper and punched holes in them to thread string threw to secure the tiers together.
I folded the hooded towel so that the main part "hood" would fold over facing the front. (bottom tier) next was folding a receiving blancket do that a little duck that was a the bottle of the receiving blanket was now in the center - several attempts but got it. used "splish splash" ribbon to cover the seam of the receiving blanket.
Bottom tier... I used the opening of the hooded towel to my advantage and stuffed it with pedicure items. attached with push socks, booties, bib, wash mitt, and tucked in wrist rattles.
Second tier... Took 1 white wash cloth rolled it very tight secured with elastic and wrapped it in blue transparent paper, did the same again but wrapped it in pink paper. Rolled a yellow wash cloth with the blue wrapped washcloth in the middle. I secured it with elastics and wrapped it in orange transparent paper, did the same with the pink wrapped one. There. Two tootsie rolls. Then I took another white wash cloth rolled it tight secured it, rolled again with an orange wash cloth held on to it. I got a infant spoon, placed it behind and secured it with 4 - 6 elastics, wrapped it with orange transparent paper... lollypop.
I searched forever for small rubber duckies and happened to find ones that look different. One girly, one graduate, and one pirate. I actually found duck mini clothes pins and used them to secure the booties and sock rattles to the top tier.
I tucked a bib between the top of the receiving blanket and rolled diapers. Attached travel sized powder and oil ribbon to ribbon by hot gun glue. Rolled hand sanitizer in with a diaper roll this held a top in position. I tucked in a pacifier holder under the main ribbon around the receiving blanket and placed a pacifier inside held in by 2-sided tape on the sides of the pacifier (NOT on the nipple part).
Topper.. Stuffed ducky is secured by weaving a string between string that is securing the teirs together. tie each leg separately this way its legs are spread to place baby shampoo there. Baby shampoo is secured to the card board by a 2-sided tape (NOTE: GREAT STUFF TO USE even when securing things on diaper tops like the rubber duckies because it leaves no sticky stuff and is easy to remove)
Stuffed duck looks like its sitting on something when in fact it's a burp pad, long side tucked in between the receiving blanket and diapers.
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